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SolaX Power Network Technology (Zhejiang) Co.,Ltd.
SolaX Power Network Technology (Zhejiang) Co.,Ltd.

SolaX Power Made a Stage At The Smart E South America

On 18th Oct, 2021, SolaX Power(E2.30) presented at The Smarter E South America in Brazil, with its star inverters and latest solutions. The exhibition brings together almost all of the world’s well-known enterprises in the industry for in-depth exchange and discussion of the future of energy professionals.

SolaX Power Made a Stage At The Smart E South America

As one of the large exhibitors, SolaX exhibited its first commercial inverter series which have attracted the attention of numerous visitors. X3-Forth, the wildest SolaX product without doubt, empowered by 80~150kW, 32A max. input current, the greatest power density and high reliability, which is about to be released by the end of this year.

This is a milestone for SolaX to step into the commercial field. With the stunning performance of cutting-edge photovoltaic technology and modules, SolaX team has not only welcomed numerous visitors, also being interviewed by Brazil presses include Fotovolt and Canal Solar, and gave detailed explanations about product features, future development and so on.

SolaX Power Made a Stage At The Smart E South America

In addition, X-ESS G4, the fourth generation of residential energy storage system with all-in-one modular design that released in later 2020, made visitors marvel with its features. More than its elegant appearance, X-ESS G4 supports 30min quick installation, wide temperature range from -30℃ to 50℃, 1h quick charge, allowing residents to save and store more green energy.

SolaX Power Made a Stage At The Smart E South America

SolaX Power relying on more than 10 years practice and innovation, has been continuously researching and developing the core technology of photovoltaic system, leading the in-depth development of photovoltaic industry. SolaX strives to be at solar power front line and devote itself to achieve a clean and sustainable future.

SolaX Power Network Technology (Zhejiang) Co.,Ltd.
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